‘Tiger City’ exhibition unfolds the story of forest conservation and the co-existence between “human” and “wildlife” in the area of HKK. The exhibition is told from the perspective eyes and personal experience of a graphic design studio Studio 150 and collaborators which had witnessed the way of thinking, way of life, and working process of the humans in the area of HKK through the information design process. Join our experience at ‘Tiger City’ exhibition.
Our ‘Tiger Eyes’ presenting at the exhibition, is a short documentary presenting human/humane side of Tiger Project, the film is a short narrative on the invisible value of nature, through the eyes of people who are at the frontline of HKK conservation.
‘Tiger City’ exhibition unfolds the story of forest conservation and the co-existence between “human” and “wildlife” in the area of HKK. The exhibition is told from the perspective eyes and personal experience of a graphic design studio Studio 150 and collaborators which had witnessed the way of thinking, way of life, and working process of the humans in the area of HKK through the information design process. Join our experience at ‘Tiger City’ exhibition.
Our ‘Tiger Eyes’ presenting at the exhibition, is a short documentary presenting human/humane side of Tiger Project, the film is a short narrative on the invisible value of nature, through the eyes of people who are at the frontline of HKK conservation.